27 Mar

Rumblings from the Rectory

This morning we begin the final journey into Jerusalem. We are approaching the most important part of the entire Christian year. While all the hoopla seems to be around the Christmas event, people tend to forget that the real reason for Christmas is to prepare us for Easter. Palm Sunday is the lead up to Easter, the time when Jesus faces the truth about his mission. This morning we welcome him into the city, waving palm branches, throwing down our cloaks so that his way is not sullied by the dirt of the world. Children are cheering, the streets are crowded for the parade. It’s too bad there is no brass band or pipes and drums, or even some floats and clowns. Instead there is only a man on a donkey, followed by a motley band of disciples. The man knows he is riding to his death, and yet he manages to smile and wave at the cheering crowd. It’s a day of celebration, and yet we know it is also a day of mourning, the end of the journey.
As we enter into Holy Week, as we walk through these last few days of Christ’s earthly life, I encourage each of us to take a good look at our own lives, and see where we fit into this journey. Are we part of the cheering crowd, welcoming Jesus into our lives and into our city? Are we easily swayed by the rest of the crowd as they turn into a mob screaming for his death? Are we like the disciples, ready to scatter when times get rough? Are we like Peter, promising to be true and yet denying Christ when it becomes inconvenient to be a disciple?Or are we like Judas, not understanding Jesus’ true mission, and so ready to betray him when he becomes an inconvenience?
This final story, the Passion of Christ, is a parable that we hear each year, a message for how we should live our lives. I encourage all of our congregation to join together for the final walk with Christ towards the cross. On Thursday we participate in Christ’s final meal with his disciples. On Friday we once again re-enact the horror of the Crucifixion, and on Saturday tell the stories and sing the songs as we await his glorious resurrection. And of course, we look forward to seeing you all as we celebrate that special event on Easter Sunday morning.

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