23rd Annual Interchurch Friendship Tea
We began our evening together being entertained by the Praisers singing group as we settled into our seats. The service itself started a few minutes late as we needed a bit of time to shake the snow off of us and get our coats hung up. An opening prayer, a couple readings and a message were shared before we made our way downstairs.
Once down in the hall , we began the fun filled evening with a welcome of each of the church’s and then onto the program where we had nine different entertainment pieces which included; singing, stories, bible readings, skits and dialogues!
We had tea, coffee, water and juice as well as a snack on each of the tables and towards the end of the event, we served fancy sandwhichs and dainties.
At our entrance table we had a free offering that was given, collected and then given to the foodbank.
We had a parting gift of encouragement and to remind us all that God is there for us!
The feedback from the event was very positive. We had lots of laughs and great fellowship. Yet another reminder that we are family and all connected as sisters in Christ!
I end by giving thanks to all who attended and to the many folks that helped make this event a success!
Peace of Christ,
Carol Kiewning
Marion giving speech